It’s Wrapp Wednesday at Roots!

Yes! It’s Wrapp Wednesday! (If you’re new to Wrapp, read my original review here.) Wrapp’s one of my favorite mobile apps because it’s a social gift giving app that allows you to send free $5/$10 gift cards to your Facebook friends. The catch? You can’t gift yourself; most days you just have to hope you’ve inspired someone to send a gift to you. Except Wednesdays! Each Wrapp Wednesday, if you give a gift card for the featured store to three of your Facebook friends, you’ll receive one for yourself on Thursday. This week, if you send three $5/$10 gift cards for Roots, you’ll get a $10 Roots gift card for yourself.



Roots rocks if you’re into organic cotton and vegetable tanned bags. I totally am, since I discovered a warning label in a fake leather Urban Outfitters purse I’d have to carry at my own risk because it might contain lead. Yikes.



Wrapp gift card are good for a month, so you have plenty of time to use them. I’ll be using those I’ve hoarded lately to take the load off of my holiday shopping (and inspire me to actually get it done before December 24).

How are you using your Wrapp gift cards? Are you paying the gift forward by shopping for someone else? Or are you keeping all the goodness for yourself? (recommended) Email me at!