SnipSnap Quick Tip: Star Your Favorites

If you’re like me, you snipsnap a lot of coupons. We’re talking hundreds of coupons, for dozens of stores. Because they all look awesome. When I first started using SnipSnap, there were times I jumped the gun and rushed to the register without pulling up the coupons I needed beforehand. And then I’d have to scroll through all of my coupons to find the ones I needed again.

Tap the star yellow to file a coupon under “Favorites”

SnipSnap allows you to be way more efficient than this. If you’ve got a ton of coupons, but only a dozen you anticipate using in the foreseeable future, make sure you use the “Favorites” feature within the SnipSnap app to keep track of your prime coupons in their own mobile folder. It’s easy to use the Favorites feature. Just highlight the star when you pull up one of your best offers and it will be filed away under “Favorites” on the top left tab of the “Coupons” screen.

Some of my favorite deals!

Favorites allows you to essentially create your own coupon bundle. You can plan ahead for a particular day of shopping by favoriting only the coupons you’ll need – this is especially useful if you plan on using multiple SnipSnap coupons in one transaction.

Bonus tip: SnipSnap keeps a record of all the coupons you’ve successfully redeemed in the “Used” tab too. It’s an extremely convenient way to easily return to old favorites!

Tried and true coupons