SnipSnap CEO Ted Mann Talks the Future of Coupons for

Today, in SnipSnap news, SnipSnap’s CEO and founder Ted Mann is featured on’s Business section. He dishes the details on how SnipSnap got started and became couponers’ top choice in the app store. Screen Shot 2013-01-04 at 1.37.26 PM

I got a coupon I took a picture of on my iPhone. The first place I tried it was Babies R Us. When I got to checkout, I said, “I don’t have my coupon, but I took a picture of it. Can you scan it?” Once I redeemed one and somebody asked me, “What’s that app? I want that app.” I said to myself: What if there was an app, and what would it do?

What next for SnipSnap? An Android version of the is oh-so-close to release and manufacturer coupon support is on the horizon! Check out the whole interview here.