SnipSnap is the coupon app that basically does all of your thinking for you. It helps you mobilize your print store offers so you’ll always remember to bring them out shopping with you (as long as you can remember to bring your phone… SnipSnap can’t help you with that – YET). SnipSnap also reminds you when your offers are about to expire, so you don’t suffer the shame that comes with letting a great deal pass you by. SnipSnap is also geolocation savvy; it knows where you are when you’re out shopping and it will make sure you’re always aware of surrounding savings opportunities. How does SnipSnap do it? With location reminders. Whenever you’re out and about, and you pass by a store for which you’ve snipped coupons, SnipSnap will send you a push notification that lets you know which store you’re near and how many coupons you have ready to redeem there. It can be a bit tricky to keep track of all your coupons (trust me – I’ve snipped 859 coupons to over 100 stores), so it really helps to have SnipSnap’s brain telling you when and where you can score the best deals.
How do you enable location reminders? It’s easy! If you didn’t elect to receive them when you initially signed up with SnipSnap 2.0, just head to the settings screen by tapping the gear icon on the top left-hand corner of your profile screen. You can enable or disable location reminders here.
I love that SnipSnap keeps track of my mobile offers and keeps me on top of when to use them, especially because I’ve snipped so many deals! Trust me, with SnipSnap location reminders, you truly will never forget to use a coupon reminder again.