SnipSnap 2.1 Quick Tip: Does My Coupon Need a Bar Code?

When you’re snipping coupons for a trip to the mall or your favorite restaurant, you want to make sure your offers will redeem successfully. You’ll notice, while you’re scrolling through different offers for different stores, that many SnipSnap coupons have bar codes, some have both bar codes and promo codes, and some contain just the coupon’s image.Screen Shot 2013-01-18 at 1.07.20 PMScreen Shot 2013-01-18 at 1.07.58 PMScreen Shot 2013-01-18 at 12.58.31 PM

So, which coupons are most likely to be successful? Well, that depends. The short answer is: if the pictures were taken clearly and all of the information was captured, all of these coupons should be successful. All coupons (and all stores) are different. The more you SnipSnap, the more you’ll get to know what coupons from your favorite retailers look like. Many stores (like fast food restaurants) rarely, if ever, issue coupons with bar codes. Stores like Target and Toys”R”Us do issue bar codes with many (but not all) of their coupons. With SnipSnap 2.1, we’re doing a much better job of deleting coupons with missing bar codes from the general coupon database, but, sometimes, you’ll see several versions of the same coupon in the app. If the first one you snip doesn’t have a bar code, it’s worth it to checkĀ  if other users have included the bar code in their uploaded version.

SnipSnap is incredibly accurate at capturing bar codes and, most of the time, they should scan perfectly at the register. If though, for any reason, a bar code does not scan, most retailers (and their cashiers) are more than happy to manually punch in the number at the bottom of the bar code to redeem the coupon.

Remember, retailers know their coupons. So, if your coupon is missing a bar code or doesn’t scan properly, but is current and still displays the correct image, many stores will still accept it. Remember to always redeem with confidence and make sure you check out “How to Redeem Mobile Coupons Successfully” for additional tips on how to score SnipSnap success at the register every time!