SnipSnap for Free Dessert at Carrabba’s

Last night, the boyfriend and I decided we wanted to try some new Italian food, so we broke our Olive Garden habit and headed over to Carrabba’s instead. Since I won’t try a new restaurant without the opportunity to score free food, I hit up the Carrabba’s Screen Shot 2013-01-21 at 12.52.27 PMFacebook page first to see what kind of deals I could find. Turns out, Carrabba’s is currently hosting a contest: submit a 500 word essay about your most memorable family meal, and you’ll be entered to win free dessert at Carrabba’s for a year + you’ll receive an insta-e-coupon for a free Dessert Rosa with the purchase of any entree. Sweet! I entered during the car ride over and my coupon was emailed to me before we arrived. I SnipSnapped the coupon by capturing and cropping the coupon image from my email and prepared to indulge in free dessert.Screen Shot 2013-01-21 at 1.07.19 PM

When I presented the coupon to my server, I was pretty happy to hear we could use the coupon to choose any dessert on the menu. Naturally, we went with the Sogno Di Cioccolata “Chocolate Dream” brownie, complete with layers of chocolate mousse and whipped cream. Normally about eight dollars, this giant mass of chocolate insanity was entirely free. And it was out-of-this-world delicious.

Want to earn even more free food at Carrabba’s? Make sure you join the Amici club. It’s free and easy and, as a member, you’ll receive even more offers for delicious free food. Make sure to SnipSnap all of your email offers when you receive them, so SnipSnap can remind you to use your offers before they expire!

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