Content Verification Program

We built SnipSnap with one very simple goal in mind: To help consumers never forget a coupon at home. A big part of that is making sure the coupons work in store, and follow all the rules and restrictions that retailers may use in their couponing programs.

How do we make sure a coupon in SnipSnap is working in the way a retailer or restaurant intended? The best way is to have a conversation. Usually we can come up with a series of rules in a matter of minutes, which we can then put into production. While we’ve spoken with hundreds of stores and marketers, if we haven’t connected with you yet, we want to!

The form below includes some, but not all, of the things we can implement, and serves as a jumping-off point for this conversation.

  • Single Use
  • Serialized Barcodes
  • Location Restrictions
  • Removed/Disabled after Expiration Date
  • Non-sharable or Discoverable
  • Custom Redemption Screen (e.g templated to match retailer’s other mobile programs)


Our goal is to ensure that your consumers can still redeem their coupons, but that they behave in a manner consistent with your coupon strategy. Bed Bath & Beyond, for example, issues original mobile coupons through SnipSnap that are serialized and single-use; the company also enables its customers to redeem their printed coupons via mobile via a Verified coupon template. This template utilizes the same redemption screen they use across other mobile channels. SnipSnap makes it possible for Bed Bath to extend their reach and attract new mobile consumers in store.

A few things to know about Coupon Verification in advance:

  1. SnipSnap does not currently support manufacturer coupons. While we have some ideas about how we would like to power them, if you submit a manufacturer coupon (with a GS1 databar barcode, or the text “Manufacturer’s Coupon”) to SnipSnap it should automatically be detected and disabled. If you are still concerned about brand-specific coupons appearing on the app, we can create a filter for a specific brand name. [mfr coupon dialog
  2. Our Content Verification Program is intended for marketers who issue a lot of coupons. If there’s just one coupon you want to have removed, you can either report the coupon (using the “Report a Coupon” option at the top right of the Coupon Details screen of the app), or issue a copyright takedown request using our DMCA form.
  3. We do not charge anything for coupon verification. This is simply the best way to ensure a good couponing experience for your customers.


Join the Coupon Verification Program