SnipSnap One of 2013 Readers’ Choice Finalists: Best Shopping App

Screen Shot 2013-02-19 at 1.55.00 PMWe did it! Last month, I blogged about the 2013’s Readers’ Choice Awards. SnipSnap has its eye on the Best Shopping App prize, so we asked our loyal extreme SnipSnappers to nominate us for one of the five semi-finalist spots. And now we’re proud to announce: We made it! Phase One of the competition (the nomination round) is over. Phase Two of the competition (the voting round) is now on. For one month, from today, February 19, through March 19, anyone can vote for his or her favorite shopping app out of the five finalists. We get lots of love from users all the time. It makes our day to hear about how much money you save, all the free food you get to eat, and all the extra clothes, toys, and accessories you can afford with SnipSnap.

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So, keep the love coming! Anyone can vote for his or her favorite shopping app. And you can vote once, every single day to make sure your favorite wins! All you have to do is visit the voting page and log in with your Facebook account, account, or email address to vote. If you vote with your Facebook account, make sure you share your vote with your friends and spread the word!