Score Free American Apparel Tees with Wrapp

Screen Shot 2013-03-27 at 1.03.01 PMWoohoo! It’s been a good while since Wrapp paired up with a brick and mortar mall retailer; gone (for now) are the days of free Wrapp gift cards to Sephora and Gap, but that’s okay, now that Wrapp’s offering free $5 gift cards to American Apparel. (Don’t know about Wrapp, my favorite social gift giving app? Read my original review here.)

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I exchanged a few free Wrapp gift cards with my Facebook friends this morning. What can I buy with my mobile gift cards? American Apparel is currently having an (up to 90% off) web sale. And $5 goes pretty far; right now, bras, graphic tees, doggie tees, and tanks are on sale for five bucks. You can also use a Wrapp gift card to take 5 dollars off already reduced and super stylish swimwear.

Free iPhone Case at Victoria’s Secret + SnipSnap Freebies

Screen Shot 2013-02-21 at 3.20.58 PMNumber one rule of frugal underwear shopping: do not stock up at Victoria’s Secret unless there’s a promotion. You can usually look forward to a cool gift with purchase every couple of months, so it makes sense to hold off on overhauling your wardrobe until you know you’ll walk out of the store with a freebie in tow. If you’re in need of some new underthings, nowScreen Shot 2013-02-21 at 3.18.38 PM‘s the time to get them – because Victoria’s Secret is giving away free *glow in the dark* iPhone cases (for your 4, 4s, or 5) with any $50 purchase in stores or online. Sweet!

Number two rule of frugal underwear shopping: do not stock up at Victoria’s Secret unless you have a coupon. YScreen Shot 2013-02-21 at 3.19.04 PMou can still use SnipSnap store coupons in conjunction with the free iPhone case promotion. Check out these Victoria’s Secret coupons in the app right now: You could score $10 off a bra or ever a free pair of undies! Make sure you follow me in SnipSnap 2.1 and subscribe to my “Mall” coupon bundle to keep up-to-date on all the best ways to save on clothes, underclothes, and accessories.