Bed Bath & Beyond “Big Blue” is back for Summer

bbb_banner@2x It’s no secret that Bed Bath & Beyond was one of the inspirations for SnipSnap. Nothing is more frustrating when shopping than forgetting to bring your big blue 20%-off coupon with you to the store. Bed Bath ended up becoming one of the first stores we tried saving a coupon to a smartphone, so we wouldn’t leave it on the kitchen table. We’ve had a great partnership with them since we launched 2 years ago, and we’re excited to have another featured coupon.

Snip this 20%-off 1-item coupon from now through the end of the month. The offer is valid through July 14.

Snip Coupon


50% off Espresso Drink at Starbucks

Are you a Starbucks Rewards card member? (Check out the Mo’ Money Starbucks store guide to find out how to sign up and save at Starbucks.) If so, make sure you SnipSnap this deal for 50% off one hand-crafted espresso beverage, now through MarchScreen Shot 2013-03-14 at 3.06.09 PM 19. You need to pay with your Rewards card to receive the offer discount, and the discount is good for one-time use only. Want more mobile coffee coupons? Follow me in the SnipSnap app and subscribe to my Coffee coupon bundle!

Save on This Year’s St. Patrick’s Day Shake

What’s March without the mint-chocolatey deliciousness of a St. Patty’s shake? Baskin Robbins just rolled out a $1 off coupon for its own version of the delicious green treat! (You can actually score $1 off any milkshake with the deal, but how can you turn down green?) Make sure you SnipSnap this deal and treat yourself before it expires (you have until the 17th to redeem). Want to SnipSnap other St. Patty’s inspired coupons? Follow me in SnipSnap and subscribe to my St. Patrick’s Day coupon bundle.

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Psst! Today is Wednesday. Did you know you can get free ice cream at Baskin Robbins on Wednesdays? Check it out.

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