Woohoo! It’s been a good while since Wrapp paired up with a brick and mortar mall retailer; gone (for now) are the days of free Wrapp gift cards to Sephora and Gap, but that’s okay, now that Wrapp’s offering free $5 gift cards to American Apparel. (Don’t know about Wrapp, my favorite social gift giving app? Read my original review here.)
I exchanged a few free Wrapp gift cards with my Facebook friends this morning. What can I buy with my mobile gift cards? American Apparel is currently having an (up to 90% off) web sale. And $5 goes pretty far; right now, bras, graphic tees, doggie tees, and tanks are on sale for five bucks. You can also use a Wrapp gift card to take 5 dollars off already reduced and super stylish swimwear.