DIY Easter Egg Dye: Kool-Aid and Simple Shaving Cream Colored Eggs with Family Frugal Fun

We’re in the final stretch! It’s almost Easter and officially spring, so that means it’s egg dyeing time. If you’re on the East coast and sick of the cold and snow like I am, you’ll probably want to dye eggs no matter how old you/your kids are, because it’s soScreen Shot 2013-03-26 at 1.00.59 PM gloomy out and the world needs more pastel. One of my favorite money saving inspiration bloggers, Maggie from Family Frugal Fun, created a DIY Easter Egg tutorial yesterday, using some super inexpensive techniques I haven’t seen before (check out Mo’ Money’s top 5 DIY Easter Egg designs here). What’s up Maggie’s sleeve? I really love her DIY Kool-Aid Easter egg dye; the concoction is just the right ratio of Kool-Aid powder to water and is perfect for people who really can’t stand that vinegar smell normally associated with egg dyes. I’m also really digging her shaving cream/food coloring marbled egg technique which is also completely no-fuss, no smell, and made out of stuff you already have in your home. Want more budget and family friendly inspiration? Make sure you “like” Family Frugal Fun on Facebook and check out the FFF channel on YouTube!