SnipSnap These Pet Freebies

Screen Shot 2013-02-21 at 1.58.25 PMPets can be really expensive. But you love them and they’re part of your family, so you want to make sure they’re exceptionally well taken care of. Did you know you can coupon on pet food and supplies at the pet store just as you coupon on people food and supplies at the grocery store? Did you know that pet store coupons are typically much higher value? Prepare to hScreen Shot 2013-02-21 at 1.58.39 PMave your mind blown.

If you haven’t already, make sure you follow me in the new SnipSnap 2.1, and subscribe to my “Pets” coupon bundle. And then check out all the amazing coupons inside. You can coupon for completely free cat food, dog food, and pet training tools. You can coupon Screen Shot 2013-02-21 at 2.00.47 PMon pet accessories, grooming services, and even the pets themselves. Check out how I scored completely free cat food at Petco with SnipSnap for my little guy Mario.

In order to coupon at a chain pet store like Petco or PetSmart, you need to be a member of each store’s loyalty program. Don’t worry – it’s completely free to join and you can sign up in store at check out and redeem your first coupons right away!