The Coupon Diet: 5 Tasty, Cheap, and Incredible Low Calorie Restaurant Meals

Happy April, everyone! It’s spring time and the weather is about to get warm. It can get into the 90s during early May here in sunny Philadelphia, so it’s officially bikini season crunch time! If you want to get in shape for the summer, you absolutely don’t have to give up your social life. And you don’t have to spend more money. You’ll actually do really well for your weight loss goals by eating out with coupons; there’s zero stress in having to prepare a healthy meal yourself, you’ll spend little money, Screen Shot 2013-04-02 at 1.53.58 PMand you can bank your savings to spend on a new swimsuit for your beach bod this year.

Don’t believe me? Check out Mo’ Money’s Top 5 Coupon Diet Approved Meals with Corresponding SnipSnap Coupons:

1. Olive Garden’s Venetian Apricot Chicken:Screen Shot 2013-04-02 at 1.58.30 PM

Calories: 380
Fat (g): 4
Calories from fat: 36
Saturated fat (g): 1.5
Sodium (mg): 1420
Carbohydrates (g): 32Screen Shot 2013-04-02 at 2.02.05 PM

2. Red Lobster’s Garlic Grilled Jumbo Shrimp:
Calories: 370
Fat (g): 9
Calories from fat: 99Screen Shot 2013-04-02 at 2.01.07 PM
Saturated fat (g): 2
Sodium (mg): 2160
Carbohydrates (g): 40


3. Friendly’s Ginger Chicken Stir Fry:

Calories: 530 Screen Shot 2013-04-02 at 2.17.14 PM
Fat (g): 10
Calories from fat: 90Screen Shot 2013-04-02 at 2.07.28 PM
Saturated fat (g): 1
Sodium (mg): 1930
Carbohydrates (g): 73


4. Ruby Tuesday’s Spaghetti Squash Marinara:

Calories: 370Screen Shot 2013-04-02 at 2.24.37 PM
Fat (g): 11
Calories from fat: 99
Saturated fat (g): 2
Sodium (mg): 1367
Carbohydrates (g): 32

Screen Shot 2013-04-02 at 2.30.25 PM


Denny’s Chicken Avocado Sandwich:

Calories: 490
Fat (g): 11
Calories from fat: 99Screen Shot 2013-04-02 at 2.38.10 PM
Saturated fat (g): 4
Sodium (mg): 2530Screen Shot 2013-04-02 at 2.35.45 PM
Carbohydrates (g): 51



No Valentine? No Problem. Spoil Yourself with SnipSnap.

Screen Shot 2013-02-14 at 1.26.43 PMI’m hearing a lot of singletons complain about all the suffocating pressure to be part of a couple and receive flowers today. You know, guys: I hear ya. To be perfectly honest, Valentine’s Day should be about love. You can love anyone. The most important person you should love is yourself. So if you’re not dating/married to someone who’ll spoil you rotten today, spoil yourself. Go out Screen Shot 2013-02-14 at 1.26.35 PMfor a feast with your friends. Do something crafty with your kids. Take a bubble bath and read a book!

It’s still nice to feel a little spoiled though. Which is why it’s important to coupon your way through Valentine’s Day so you get a little extra something for free. It’s not too late to plan a fun night for less. Make sure you follow me in the SnipSnap app and check out my Valentine’s Day coupon bundle to see all the ways you can score free food, clothes, and fun tonight!

Need a little retail therapy? SnipSnap for $50 off at ExpScreen Shot 2013-02-14 at 1.27.07 PMress, $5 off at DSW, or FREE undies at Victoria’s Secret and Aerie.

Ready to eat , drink, and be merry with friends? SnipSnap for free coffee at Starbucks, free pop corn at the movies, or $10 off dinner and drinks at Houlihan’s.

Want to paper yourself? SnipSnap for 20% off at Bath & Body Works, free Yankee candles, and Godiva chocolate at Target.

Want to have fun with the kids? SnipSnap for $10 off a Build-a-Bear, a free sundae at Friendly’s, or half-priced crafts at A.C. Moore.








SnipSnap 5 Delicious Weekend Meal Deals

I blog a lot about restaurants that dish out great Facebook Offers, but they are by no means necessarily the best places to dine out on weekends. I’m constantly searching for and snipping tons of great restaurant coupons, so I always know where to steer a group of friends that want to save. I never, ever pay full price for a meal. How do you SnipSnap search for great meal deals? You can search by restaurant or, if you don’t have a particular place in mind, you can search for “entree”, “appetizer”, “meal”, or “dessert” (depending on what you want to get for free!). Or, you can just scroll through this list, because these are my top 5 meal deals for this weekend:

  1. Buca di Beppo: $10 off Two Pasta Dinners (Expires 11/25/12)
  2. Olive Garden: Free Kid’s Meal with Adult Meal Purchase (Expires 12/31/12)
  3. Ruby Tuesday: $10 off Two Entrees (Expires 12/15/12)
  4. Friendly’s: Free Kid’s Meal with Adult Entree Purchase (Expires 13/31/12)
  5. Chili’s: Free Dessert with Entree Purchase (Expires 11/7/12)

I feel like I need a good salad bar before a week of celebrating my birthday and Halloween, so I will definitely be hitting up Ruby Tuesday for a cheap meal. I’ll report back on how I saved!