When planning a budget-friendly Valentine’s Day, remember this extra important piece of information: a thoughtfully selected greeting card is your very best friend. Especially if your valentine is a woman. And you are a man.
Really, your gift will only say “I love you” if you do, too, with a card. Nothing makes a lady swoon more than the thought of her significant other spending significant time in the card aisle, selecting the perfect sentiment. But Valentine’s Day cards shouldn’t just be for your partner/spouse. They’re cool for parents and kids and even best friends too. Trust me, what you say is much more memorable than what you give. And it’s a lot less expensive to be thoughtful with your words, especially if you coupon. Want to SnipSnap a great deal on greeting cards? Check out my Valentine’s Day coupon bundle or simply search “cards” by using the “Search” screen in the app. That’s the easy part! The love poetry is up to you.
Happy Valentine’s Day!