Wrapp Wednesday at Karmaloop

Happy Wrapp Wednesday! Wrapp is one of my favorite mobile gift giving apps because it lets you give free and paid gift cards to your Facebook friends. (Read my full review of Wrapp here.) Best part about Wrapp? On Wednesdays, if you give free gift cards to friends, you’ll get one for yourself. What’s today’s Wrapp Wednesday steal? Send a free $5 Wrapp gift card for Karmaloop to three of your Facebook friends, and you’ll find a $5 gift card for Karmaloop in your Wrapp wallet tomorrow.

Haven’t heard of Karmaloop? You have now, and that’s another reason why I love Wrapp – it’s a great way to spread the word about places you love to shop. Karmaloop.com is chock full of unique, vibrant clothes and accessories so, if you’re building your fall wardrobe, it’s a great place to start.

Even better? If you sign up for Karmaloop’s email list, you’ll score another $10 gift card, which you can combine with your Wrapp Wednesday reward. Pair the two, and you could snag some pretty sweet accessories for just a dollar (shipping and handling included!)

This gorgeous cross bracelet is just $1 dollar (with shipping!) when you combine your gift cards.

Remember to “like” Wrapp on Facebook. And tell your friends to sign up for Karmaloop’s email list when you send your free gift today!