Feed The Less Fortunate with Your Smart Phone: National Cheeseburger Day

From: TechCrunch.

It’s National Cheeseburger Day! And Foursquare + Facebook + Five Guys + KRAFT are making the celebration much more than just a tribute to one of America’s favorite foods: this National Cheeseburger Day is about feeding hungry families while you feed your own – and you can do it all in less than sixty seconds with your mobile phone.

Starting today and for the next two weeks, each time you check-in at any Five Guys restaurant, KRAFT Cheese will donate the equivalent of one meal to Feeding America, an organization that operates food banks across the country. This, I think, is the ultimate way to save with your mobile phone: by making your lunch count for someone who can’t afford their own.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Visit kraftcheese.placepunch.com and connect your Foursquare and/or Facebook accounts.
  2. Get a group of smart phone-wielding, carnivorous friends together. (Well, really anyone can get in on the charitable action – vegetarians can always nosh on Five Guys’ famous, complimentary peanuts.)
  3. Check-in at Five Guys on your mobile phone. Enjoy your lunch and you’ll get a coupon for KRAFT singles in your inbox as thanks for your contribution.

Ta da! It’s that easy. You’ve just used your smart phone to give and receive.