Lately, we’ve been receiving some questions/concerns from SnipSnap users regarding the types of coupons found in the SnipSnap app. The bottom line is that SnipSnap was conceived as an app which supports store coupons, exclusively. This is because store coupons are issued and supported by stores themselves and, therefore, stores should not require paper copies of their own coupons to be reimbursed. SnipSnap does not (yet) support manufacturer coupons, because these coupons are issued by product manufacturers and must be collected in print form for stores to keep track of these savings and be reimbursed for essentially fronting each deal. We’re currently working with top coupon industry clearinghouses and publishers to innovate a mobile manufacturer couponing system, which paperlessly reimburses stores for manufacturer offers shoppers redeem from their mobile phones. We’re excited about the prospect of disrupting the manufacturer coupon world the right way, so it’s win-win for everyone involved.
Over the last year, we’ve also developed numerous systems and safeguards to detect manufacturer coupons uploaded into the app. We do not want our users to upload or snip manufacturer deals, because that’s not why we created SnipSnap. Since implementing these safeguards, we’ve dramatically reduced the amount of manufacturer coupons in the app. We haven’t received a single complaint about manufacturer offers from stores or manufacturers, because the amount of manufacturer coupons that slip through our system’s ability to recognize and purge these deals is infinitesimally small.
We’re all about educating our users about how to best use the SnipSnap app to maximize their mobile savings. We want our users to use the app the right way, so they’re successful at saving the hundreds to thousands of dollars the average SnipSnapper saves with the app every year. If you’re new to SnipSnap, mobile couponing, or just couponing in general, make sure you check out our tutorials “Top 3 Questions to Ask Your Mobile Coupons” and “Can I Snip it? Manufacturer Vs. Store Coupons” to learn more about why only store coupons can be redeemed via the SnipSnap app and how to distinguish between store coupons and manufacturer coupons (which can sometimes look like store coupons).
So, now that you can tell the difference between manufacturer coupons and store coupons in the SnipSnap app, what do you do if you discover a rogue manufacturer coupon in the app?
Report it!
We’ve made it easy for our users to report coupons that just don’t cut it – for whatever reason. You may find a coupon that’s actually not a coupon, a coupon that’s issued by a manufacturer, or a coupon that’s so blurry it’s barely recognizable. Here are 3 (illustrated!) steps for reporting a defunct deal:
1. Determine whether a deal is not a deal. Here is coupon that is not actually a coupon. It’s simply a picture of an indeterminate store advertisement and can not be redeemed. (You can see that the offer could not be assign to a store, because it’s missing essential coupon information).
2. Report the coupon. Tap the arrow icon in the top right-hand corner of the coupon screen to access the option menu and then select “Report this Coupon”.
3. Select why you want to report the coupon. Select the option from the list that best describes why you think the coupon in question is unacceptable.
That’s it! Once you submit the coupon report, the coupon will be removed from the public database, so other users will not be able to see or snip it. And we will immediately get to work examining the report and making sure that kind of coupon can’t make it through to the app again.
Any questions, comments? Feel free to email me: liz [at] snipsnap [dot] it!