Study: 55% of Women Want to use Mobile Coupons

Happy New Year SnipSnapper!

After rolling out of bed yesterday, we loaded up our email to find an eye-opening study by Ping Mobile. Nothing else helps shake off a post-New Years Eve hangover quite like a juicy mobile usage stats.

The findings, reported via Mobile Commerce Daily, show that 55 percent of women said they’d be willing to opt-in to receive mobile coupons. What’s more, 90 percent said they would be likely to redeem a mobile coupon they “considered valuable.” And 72 percent of women said they would share a mobile coupon they deemed valuable — either by emailing or posting to Facebook or Twitter.

Equally interesting: While print and online coupons are used by more than 75 percent of women, the study estimates that mobile coupons are already used by 20 percent of women. So if over half of the women surveyed said they would opt-in to get mobile coupons, why are only 20 actually using them?

According to Ping Mobile, the huge gap between actual mobile coupon use and willingness to use them can most likely be attributed to a lack of availability of mobile coupons.

This mirrors much of what we’ve discovered with SnipSnap in our early beta tester group. The two primary reasons users told us they don’t repeat with the other mobile coupons apps are:

1. Small supply of offers (typically 15-30 manufacturer coupons in the leading apps).

2. Low-value offers (typically $.50 manufacturer coupons)

The typical coupon user will try them once (maybe twice) but won’t come back.

With SnipSnap, these users are already finding that they save 20x more, simply because the retail, restaurant, and local coupons they save with the app are far more valuable. And, true to the Ping study, they’re extremely anxious to easily share these offers on Facebook.

All good news for us — and validation of what we’re seeing with our earliest users. If we have our way with SnipSnap, we won’t just stop with getting that 55 percent of women onto the mobile coupon train; we’re shooting to get 100 percent on board.

Study via Mobile Commerce Daily