Frugal Living Blogs That Will Change Your Life

Screen Shot 2013-04-11 at 4.11.06 PMI’m obsessed with getting things for free. If you’re someone who’s spent a significant chunk of his/her life in college and graduate school, you understand the immense pride that comes with resolving never to buy food accessories like ketchup, straws, or plastic forks again. (You can get them for free!) If you’re an athlete, you know that simple pleasures (like going for a run on a beautiful night) are much more enjoyable than complicated, guilt-laced (read: EXPENSIVE) pseudo-pleasures like “retail therapy.” You can truly become much wealthier than you ever thought – simply by measure of things you refuse to buy.

I love blogging about frugal living. I get super excited to share how I can score a sundress for five bucks, feed my cat for free, and manage my coffee addiction with mobile coupons.

Here are ten awesome frugal living blogs I read and want to share with you. Curl up with a cup of coffee this weekend and learn how to save a fortune from the masters.

Frugal Beautiful: Shannyn from Frugal Beautiful has a truly holistic approach to frugal living for 20 somethings. From writing a resume, to de-cluttering your messy apartment, to learning how to craft, or how to train for a road race, she’s pretty much tackled success from all angles.

This Beautiful Frugal Life: Melody from This Beautiful Frugal Life is an expert on getting out of debt, while being wife, mom, and extreme cross-fitter. Her blog is full of recipes (like homemade pantry staples) and fitness inspiration.

The Frugal Girl: Kristen from The Frugal Girl is a major inspiration; she’s mom to four home-schooled kids! Her blogs is full of practical, frugal living advice, from tutorials on how to re-purpose old clothes, to recipes for home-made grape jelly.

Frugal Mama: Amy from Frugal Mama maintains a beautifully written, honest blog about what it means to be frugal in today’s world. Her advice is extreemly soothing and insightful, covering topics ranging from how to get your kids to do chores, to how to home-make a stellar, last-minute holiday gift.

Simple Mom: Tsh from Simple Mom writes a wonderful blog about living simple, with purpose and focus and how to truly take care of yourself and your family, inside and out.

Frugal Dad: Frugal Dad is written by Jason and Trent, father and son who are both experts on how to pay for college and manage student loan debt.

Penniless Parenting: Penny’s blog is a really cool reality check about how you can raw, vegan, and gluten free on the cheap. (Yes, it is possible!)