Two-thirds of Consumers would ‘Like’ a Brand to Save

From: Two-thirds of consumers would ‘Like’ a brand for a 25% saving – Ecommerce – BizReport.

I’ll admit it: I’m a sucker for a good Facebook deal, even if I have to “like” a retailer I’ve barely shopped at before. And I don’t feel like a sell-out, especially when a store offers free money like The Limited is doing right now. If it’s free, it’s for me, and I really will like the store all the more.

Turns out, I’m not alone. RedPlum just released its fifth Purse String Study, which reveals some interesting statistics about the rapidly growing popularity of social and mobile deals – total musts when you’re tight on money and time like so many of today’s consumers are. A whopping 61% of those surveyed by RedPlum plan their shopping trips around coupons, promos, and deals – a number that’s up 10% in just the last year alone. And the number of people using mobile coupons/coupon apps in general is up over 100% in the same, short span. The demographic most rapidly increasing its mobile coupon savvy?  The <%20,000 income bracket. What’s driving the mobile couponer?
