Regal Cinemas Offers Weekly Mobile Text Coupons

If there’s one thing people spend way too much money on, it’s the movies. I can kind of feel my heart break a little each time the boyfriend and I shell out over 20 bucks for movie tickets and then spend more at the concessions stand. I’m perfectly content to pack a box of dollar store candy in my purse, but he’s got this thing for hot movie theater snacks, especially overly salted, buttered popcorn.

I was really excited to hear that, this past weekend, Regal Cinemas offered Bond enthusiasts a mobile coupon deal good for a $5 Freschetta pizza deal.

I was bummed when I realized I missed out on the deal, but then I discovered that this coupon is just one in a series of weekly mobile text coupons Regal Cinemas will be offering hungry movie goers into the future.

This is a fantastic idea. What better way for movie theaters to attract customers than with mobile coupons, especially for the usually mind-blowingly overpriced food?

All you need to do to claim these mobile coupons is “like” Regal Cinemas’ Facebook page, click on the Regal Weekly Coupons tab, and enter your mobile phone number to receive each week’s mobile offer.

These coupons are web-linked, so you’ll need a smart phone to open and redeem them. And Regal mobile offers are good at all Regal, UA, and Edwards movie theaters.

Want to earn bonus offers at Regal Cinemas? Make sure you join the free Regal Crown Club to earn loyalty rewards for purchasing movie tickets and concessions.